Dagwood buckybits

sharing what little I know with the world


I've been working on the latest version of CubeScribe, a JavaScript library that assists in documenting Rubik's Cube solutions. The latest feature is a new function that adds HTML mark-up to algorithms wriiten in Singmaster Notation to emphisize the primed and double moves. The mark-up is kept simple, and only assigns the appropriate class to each type of move. Currently the Sourceforge project packages are still version 1.2 until the testing is done and all of the documentation is updated. For now anyone who wants to try out the new version is available in the CubeScribe Code Repository.

p.s. My cubing page uses the CubeScribe library.

Rubik's Cube Algorithms Page

I'm currently adding a new section to list the Rubik's Cube algorithms. That's no big deal since you can get them yourself at Andy Klise's Rubik's Cube Guides. I highly recommend these guides. Learning how to use the HTML5 Canvas element is the motivation for creating my Rubik's Cube page. Once I have it stable I'll write up how the Javascripts work. Of course you can always take a look at the source code if you want. My goal was to draw all of the Rubik's Cube diagrams completely in Javascript on a HTML5 canvas. So far I have implemented this site with a minimum of actual pictures, in fact the only actual picture on the site is the little blue twitter bird to the right.

Tiki OSM OpenLayers Location Map

I enjoy contributing to OpenStreetMaps a Wiki style map of the world. The Tiki project represents my effort to utilize the OpenStreetMaps data and the OpenLayers Javascript library to copy the functionality of Google Latitude.

So why name it Tiki? I have a habit of using what ever I happen to be looking at as a name for the thing I happen to be coding at the time. So what would you suspect I would name a project if I were looking out a window staring at the Tiki torches on my deck. It's a simple method that works for me.